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On The Go Travel Center
550 Wake Avenue
El Centro, CA, 92243
Latitud GPS:
Longitud GPS:
Carreteras principales:
IH8, CA86;
AKA Imperial 8 Travel Center. Cocina de Millie en el sitio de servicio completo de restaurante. Consultorio médico cerca. Motel y comida rápida (en N a cabo y Taco Bell, la distancia a pie. Tienda de ultramarinos a pie. No Servicios de camiones. Servicios de Media Driver.
Direcciones de acceso:
I-8 Exit 115, CA86 / South 4th Street. Turn south to first light, West Wake Ave, then right to T/S on right. First entrance can get you to the parking lot, next two are auto, 3rd is fuel island, 4th is fuel or parking lot and 5th is parking lot and scales.