- Total de Votos: 1
- Calificación promedio: 1
Flying J Travel Plaza
7425 Bonnie View Road
Dallas, TX, 75241
Latitud GPS:
Longitud GPS:
Carreteras principales:
IH20; IH35E; IH45;
Truck Stop; Denny's Restaurant; breakfast/soup bar; ATM; trucker's supplies; bulk DEF; oil & fuel additives; Western Union services; prepaid calling cards; restrooms; check cashing; money orders; barber shop; wireless internet access; fitness/exercise area; TripPak; game/entertainment area; certified truck scales; driver's lounge; showers; laundry area; copy & fax machine; propane services; permits; UPS & FedEx drop boxes; Idleaire; RV Dump station; traveler's convenience mart; ATM. Motel close by. Jack in the Box near by. Boss Shop maintenance: lube/PM/oil change, light maintenance, A/C service; refer service; tire sales and repairs. Blue Beacon Truck Wash close by. Speedco close
Direcciones de acceso:
I-20 Exit 472 / Bonnie View Road, north on Bonnie View Road, entrance on left
Restaurante Horas:
24/7 - Denny's
Horas de combustible Información: