- Total de Votos: 1
- Calificaci贸n promedio: 8
Flying J Travel Plaza
100 North King's Highway
Fort Pierce, FL, 34945
Latitud GPS:
Longitud GPS:
Carreteras principales:
IH95; FL9; FL68; FL713;
Truck Stop, Subway Deli y Denny, Western Union, lavander胊, duchas, volcado RV, propano, carriles RV alimentaci贸n de combustible; estaci贸n de RV de descarga, servicios de Internet, 12 de la loter胊 'carriles de alimentaci贸n de combustible; escalas; loadboard; pavimentadas y estacionamiento iluminado, UPS, TripPak, FedEx ; barbero.
Direcciones de acceso:
I-95; Exit 131B / Orange Avenue / FL68, turn west. First right on Kings Highway, go past station on right to access road, turn right, then right again to enter station. Blue Beacon is also located on access road ahead to left. Note - No direct access from Florida Turnpike.
Restaurante Horas:
5am to 12 midnight
Horas de combustible Informaci贸n: