- Total de Votos: 0
- Calificaci贸n promedio: 0
Lakeview Petroleum / Pacific Pride
427 14th Street
Marysville, CA, 95901
Latitud GPS:
Longitud GPS:
Carreteras principales:
CA20; CA70;
Bloqueo de la tarjeta de Abastecimiento solamente. No tripulados. No hay servicios de cami髇, el conductor o la oficina. Un peque駉 aparcamiento a largo plazo. El acceso equitativo, especialmente para la mayor韆 de PacPride.
Direcciones de acceso:
CA20 from east of town, use CA70 North to 14th Street, turn west, cross lake, station on right. CA70 southbound in to town, turn right on 14th. CA70 N/B go through town to 14th and turn left. CA 20 east bound, option turn left on F Street, go through residential area to 14th (no indication truck restricted) and turn right 1 block to station on left, or option, follow 20 through to 70 North to 14th and turn left.
Horas de combustible Informaci贸n: